英音 [ˌtrænsəbˌstænʃɪˈeɪʃn] 美音 [ˌtrænsəbˌstænʃɪˈeʃən]
n. 变质;变形论;物质的改变;圣餐的变体
transubstantiation 变体,变体论 trans-,转移,转变,substance,物质,实体。用于指基督教祝圣仪式中面包和葡萄酒经祝圣变 成基督的体血,只留下面饼的外形。
- The idea of sacramental union was luther 's response to roman transubstantiation .
- “圣礼联合”的观念是路德对罗马教会化质说的回应。
- This practice became very controversial because of the concept of " transubstantiation " .
- 由于“化质说”的概念,这种实践变得非常有争议性。
- Distinctively catholic doctrines on the eucharist include the sacrificial nature of the mass and transubstantiation .
- 圣体圣事天主教的教义,包括鲜明的群众祭祀性质及陷于。
- The term transubstantiation was adopted into the phraseology of the church in 1215 , when it was employed by the fourth lateran council .
- 这个词陷于被收养为教会的用语在1215年,当时的第四次拉特兰协会聘用。
- The council confirmed transubstantiation , that the substance of bread and wine is changed into the body and blood of christ while the appearance of bread and wine remains .
- 理事会确认陷于变体,面包和酒的物质进入体内,而面包和酒的外观仍然基督的血改变。