n. 雅库特,雅库特人(语)( Yakut的名词复数 )
- The native yakuts , a turkic tribe with asiatic features who speak a language full of throaty , mooing vowels , were largely engaged in reindeer herding .
- 土著的雅库茨克人属于突厥人的部属,有亚洲人的特征,所说的语言有很多喉音和牛吼般的元音,大多以驯鹿为生。
- For the ethnic yakuts , it has been their home for centuries , and those who came seeking cash and adventure in soviet times have put down roots .
- 对雅库族的人来说,这儿世世代代是他们的家乡,而那些苏维埃时代为金钱和冒险而来的移民也扎下了根。
- Even today , yakuts make up about 40 per cent of the local population , and most are still fluent in their language , though industrialisation and collectivisation during the soviet years mean that few still keep a nomadic lifestyle .
- 就是在今天,土著的雅库茨克人还占当地人口中的40%,仍流利地使用土著的语言,尽管苏维埃时代的工业化和集体化使得他们中间很少还有人保持着游牧民族的生活方式了。
- Within the russian federation two northern indigenous peoples , the komi and sakha ( yakuts ) have , at least in theory , their " own " autonomous republics , though what powers that gives them in practice depends on the ebb and flow of politics elsewhere in russia .
- 俄联邦北部的两个土著民族科米人和萨哈人(雅库特人)至少在名义上有了他们“自己的”自治共和国,尽管他们实际被给予的权利要取决于俄联邦其它地区的政治动态。