n. 秧歌,农民在插秧时的一种歌咏活动,中国人民喜闻乐见、具有代表性的一种民间舞蹈
- In Northern Shaanxi province , the Lantern Festival is called “ nao yangko ” .
- 陕北地区把灯节活动称作“闹秧歌”,
- Common people enter it with the Yangko team and enjoy all kinds of performances .
- 群众随着秧歌队进入其内,观赏各种秧歌表演,
- Yangko is a traditional Chinese folk cultural activities , it has a long history .
- 秧歌是我国民间一项传统的文娱活动,具有悠久的历史文化。
- That , without too much exaggeration , was part of the significance of the Yangko .
- 可以毫不夸张地说,秧歌的意义也正在于此。
- Development is rapid , and it is with local characteristics of Heilongjiang yangko dance form .
- 发展并不迅速,而且它是具有黑龙江地方特色的秧歌形式。