英音 [ˌjɑ:rəuˈslɑ:vl] 美音 [ˌjɑrəˈslɑvəl, jərə-]
- Several years ago the museum of copeck was opened in yaroslavl .
- 数年前戈比博物馆在雅罗斯拉夫尔开幕。
- Rawlings plans to perfect his russian while studying abroad in the small city of yaroslavl , and said the next language he plans to learn is arabic .
- rawlings打算在俄罗斯的一个小城市雅罗斯拉尔夫学习期间,进一步完善他的俄语水平,他说他打算要学习的新的语言是阿拉伯语。
- A russian soldier at the checkpoint told tsisana tabadtadze , a georgian refugee from south ossetia who was haranguing him , that he came from yaroslavl , 250km north-east of moscow .
- 检查点的一名俄罗斯士兵对一直对他喋喋不休(是大声斥责)的南奥赛梯格鲁吉亚难民tsisana说,他来自与距莫斯科东北方向250公里的yaroslavl。
- Russian aviation department confirmed that the plane ride is mainly yaroslavl engine ice hockey team members .
- 俄航空署证实,机上搭乘的主要是雅罗斯拉夫尔火车头冰球队成员。
- The first private railway appeared in russia in 1991 in the yaroslavl region .
- 1991年第一条俄罗斯私人铁路在雅罗斯拉夫尔出现。