英音 [ˈjereˈvɑ:n] 美音 [ˌjɛrɪˈvɑn]
- It 's only 20 miles ( 36 kilometers ) from the capital of yerevan , home to one-third of the nation 's population .
- 它距离占据全国人口三分之一的首都埃里温,也仅有20英里之遥(36公里)。
- The deputy chairman of armenia 's civil aviation authority , arsen pogosian , told reporters in yerevan there were 154 passengers and 15 crew members on board .
- 亚美尼亚民用航空管理局副主席arsenpogosian对在埃里温的记者说,飞机上有154名乘客和15名机组人员。
- The turks have even made a partial attempt at reconciliation with armenia , a process begun when president abdullah gul visited yerevan in late 2008 to attend a football match .
- 土耳其人甚至尝试与亚美尼亚达成部分和解,这一进程始自阿卜杜拉居尔总统于2008年底对埃里温的访问,当时他是去观看一场足球比赛。
- It is threatening to sever air links between turkey and yerevan and to expel armenian migrant workers if the armenian government does not lobby on its behalf .
- 还威胁切断土耳其与埃里温的空中联系,并且驱逐亚美尼亚移民劳工,如果亚美尼亚政府没有对其利益游说的话。
- Protesters burn a turkish flag as they mark the 97th anniversary of a world war I massacre by ottoman turks in yerevan , armenia .
- 亚美尼亚首都埃里温市(yerevan),抗议者在举行纪念一战中奥斯曼土耳其人(ottomanturks)大屠杀97周年活动时点燃一面土耳其国旗。