英音 [ˈjəukəˈsu:kə] 美音 [ˌjokəˈsukə, ˌjɒkɒˈsukɑ]
- The following month , september 1945 , the ship went to japan and anchored at the yokosuka naval base in tokyo bay .
- 次月,也就是1945年9月,这艘轮船驶往日本,停泊在东京湾的横须贺海军基地。
- Instead of large , politically sensitive bases , as in guam or yokosuka , the us is looking at new locations for logistics that could help its ships stay out of china 's range .
- 美国不再追求具有政治敏感性的大型军事基地,如关岛或横须贺,而是转而为能够帮助舰只远离中国军力范围的后勤服务寻找新地点。
- Christy murphy , her eyes betraying signs of exhaustion , came home on wednesday night to find a voluntary evacuation notice posted on her door on yokosuka naval base , filled with detailed instructions on how to leave japan .
- 当两眼疲态尽显的克里斯蒂墨菲(christymurphy)周三晚上回到位于日本横须贺海军基地的家时,她发现门上贴着一张自愿撤离通知,上面满是关于如何撤离日本的详细说明。
- The uss george washington aircraft carrier embarked for the exercises from recently-upgraded facilities at its home port in yokosuka japan . The george washington 's air wing is redeploying to a new $ 2 billion runway built largely with japanese assistance at the marine corps air station iwakuni .
- 美国乔治华盛顿号航空母舰最近在日本横须贺船籍港进行设备升级,美国耗资20亿美元为乔治华盛顿号航空母舰修建新的飞机跑道,日本向美国在岩田的海军陆战队基地提供了大量的帮助。
- Following coe , gw will continue this underway in the western pacific ocean conducting advanced cyclic flight operations in preparation for its first summer deployment from fleet activities yokosuka since becoming the navy 's only permanently forward deployed aircraft carrier .
- 在coe之后,乔治华盛顿将继续在西太平洋实施既定的循环飞行任务,准备自从成为海军唯一一艘常备部署航空母舰后,在横须贺舰队的第一次夏季部署。