abbr. yet 还;仍然;yoke top 轭状头;your telegram 贵方电报
- Yt points to another reason for his father 's reticence .
- 刘日东指出了他父亲不愿聘用外人的另一个原因。
- In spite of " four years of brainwashing " , yt has still to sell his father on the idea of bringing in a non-family chief executive .
- 尽管经过了“4年的洗脑”,刘日东仍然需要说服他的父亲认同引进非家族成员首席执行官的想法。
- But yt believes he is winning his father over a sign , perhaps , that the younger generation of chinese business owners is beginning to change the way the family traditionally does things .
- 但刘日东认为,他正在赢得父亲的赞同或许这个信号表明,年轻一代的中国企业主正开始改变家族的传统经营方式。