Minister sees that is much more surprised , because lazy zan Zen master , what eats is together a stone .
Who was general Wu zan ?
“ song ”, “ zan ”, “ zhen ”, “ ming ”, four literary compositions in rhyme originate quite early , and have a certain status especially in literary history before han dynasty .
On the basis of archaeological data and ancient script and document , this arti cle discusses the denomination , form and some relevant problems of the zan , and tries to explore the code of etiquette and cultural change reflected by the zan in Shang and Zhou period .
The first phase of China 's Marxist historiography is marked subsequently by Li Da zhao 's introduction and propaganda of Marxist historical viewpoints , attempts and practices conducted by Guo Muo ruo , among others , at studying Chinese history in Marxist way , then by the published work of Jian Bo zan 's History philosophy .