abbr. zaklyuchenny (Russian=prisoner) (俄语)战犯,战俘
- Or zak , the boy with hate tattooed on his forehead .
- 或者扎克,那个在额头上纹‘恨’字的男孩。
- Zak presented evidence to back his case today at the society for neuroscience meeting in san diego .
- 今天在圣地亚哥举行的神经科学学会会议上他列举了很多证据来支持自己的观点。
- It 's a hormone called oxytocin , says paul zak , a researcher at claremont graduate university .
- 这是一种被称为后叶催产素的激素在起作用,美国克莱蒙研究生大学的研究员paulzak说。
- They 'll still carry the bruises and scars of their origins and may even bear the tragic knife wound letterings of zak loves chloe , and I was here .
- 这些木头上会带有原始的擦伤和伤痕,甚至还有凄惨的刀刻痕迹,如扎克爱克洛伊、我来了等等。