abbr. zinc dialkyldithiophosphate 锌二烷基二硫代磷酸盐
- As a result , the zddp in motor oils has been steadily reduced .
- 结果,电动机润滑油中的zddp得以逐步减少。
- As the barrier wears away , it is replenished constantly by the zddp in the oil .
- 阻挡层磨损的同时还源源不断的得到润滑油中的zddp生成的反应物补充。
- Also , you can have too much of a good thing . Excessive amounts of zddp can corrode the engine .
- 还有哇,我提醒你一句物极必反,过量的zddp可是会腐蚀掉你的发动机的。
- Carmakers everywhere have pressed suppliers into reducing the amount of zddp in their motor oils .
- 世界各地的汽车制造商迫使供货商减少电动机润滑油中的zddp含量。
- When it left the factory in britain 23 years ago , the 20w-50 blend of mineral oil in your correspondent 's car contained zddp in the above proportions .
- 你记者朋友的车自23年前从英国工厂出厂以来,车内润滑油20w-50中就含有具有上述比例的zddp。