英音 [ˈzepəlɪn] 美音 ['zepəlɪn]
Zeppelin 齐柏林飞艇 缩写自德语Zeppelinshiff,即Zeppelin ship,以其设计者19世纪德国将军Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin命名。
- For every legendary fighter jet that soared there was a sausage plane or a zeppelin that went under .
- 在每一个传奇式战斗机成功的背后,都有一艘坠落的“香肠式飞船”或“齐柏林飞艇”。
- Zeppelin raids over england were not particularly effective , but they foreshadowed the mass aerial bombardments of the next big european war .
- 齐柏林飞艇突袭英格兰并没有特别有效,但它预示着在下一个大的欧洲战争中的大规模空中轰炸。
- With the coming of world war I , the zeppelin was pressed into military service , seeing action most famously as the world 's first bomber .
- 随着第一次世界大战的到来,齐柏林飞艇被迫服兵役,最著名的战斗经历是作为世界上第一个轰炸机。
- Some academics believe the zeppelin is real but it has also been suggested the aircraft is an early example of animation puppetry .
- 一些学者相信这个齐柏林飞艇是真的,但是它也显示这个飞行器只是早期电影动画道具的一个样本。