,Arthur韦尔兹利(即Wellington,lst Duke of );[地名] [马来西亚] 威利斯;[地名] [津巴布韦、美国] 韦尔斯利
- She graduated from Wellesley College and Yale Law School .
- 她毕业于韦尔斯利学院和耶鲁大学法学院。
- I started college in Paris , then graduated from Wellesley College with a liberal arts degree in 1980 .
- 1980年,我从威尔斯利学院(WellesleyCollege)毕业,获得了文科学位。
- And as you set off from Wellesley , I hope that many of you will consider making three very special choices .
- 在你们离开韦尔斯利之际,我希望你们中许多人会考虑作出三个十分特别的选择。
- It is at Wellesley College in Massachusetts .
- 它设在麻省的韦尔斯利学院。
- She went to Wellesley College and subsequently on to Yale Law School , which is when life became a little more complicated .
- 她完成韦尔斯利学院的学业之后进入了耶鲁大学法学院深造,就此,希拉里的生活开始变得复杂起来。