[人名] [北方英格兰人姓氏] 韦斯特摩兰 Westmorland的变体;[地名] [澳大利亚、美国] 威斯特摩兰
- His eyes drift down to westmoreland sitting lifeless in the same place michael left him .
- 他的眼神游移到westmoreland身上,毫无生气的westmoreland坐在michael把他放在的那个位置。
- Michael then turns his attention to westmoreland . Michael asks him if he 's okay .
- 这时,michael注意到westmoreland的伤势,问他是否还好。
- Kathleen wohlgemuth , administrator of dady 's program , said 33 suicides have been officially declared in westmoreland county so far in 2010 .
- kathleenwohlgemuth,达迪项目的管理员,说到2010年目前为止威斯特摩兰县官方定义的自杀事件有33例。
- He asks westmoreland if he 's had any luck finding marilyn , who ran away during the start of the riot .
- 他问westmoreland是否找到了他在骚乱开始时跑丢了的猫marilyn。
- The team urges westmoreland to hurry up and get through the hole as the crowbar slips through the door handle .
- 同伙们催促westmoreland快点从洞里爬出来,塞在门把手中的撬棍慢慢开始滑动。