abbr. Western European Union (NATO) (北约)西欧联盟
- This paper presents a new study approach of direct quantitative measurement of WEU .
- 本文为网站易用性直接定量测度研究提供全新的思路与方法。
- They think they know what 's best for everybody and will not leave WEU alone .
- 他们认为自己知道怎样才对每一个人最有好处,而且不愿顺其自然。
- The way to construct a complete , mutual and complementary institutional framework is to make full use of NATO , EU and WEU .
- 方法是通过北约、欧盟、西欧联盟等组织,建构一个完整、共同、互补的制度框架。
- the influence on operating poles under normal start - up or outage as weU as the emergency shutdown of monopole line and bi-pole line .
- 单极、双极正常启动或停运、紧急停运时对运行极的影响;
- In addition , a fresh view on the condition , dimension and boarder as weU as their relationship is also presented in this paper .
- 尤其是对状态、尺寸、边界三者及其相互关系发表了新的观点。