英音 [ˈwestwədz] 美音 [ˈwɛstwɚdz]
adv. 向西
- My parents left iraq in the late 1960s to move to the us around the same time kian 's family also made the move from iran westwards .
- 我父母在二十世纪60年代后期从伊拉克迁去美国,kian全家也几乎在同一时期从伊朗向西迁移。
- But the majority of goods shipped there are for final assembly before being re-exported westwards .
- 但运往大陆的大多数产品只是在那里进行最后组装,然后重新出口到西方。
- But austria could shift westwards into switzerland 's place , making room for slovenia and croatia to move north-west too .
- 但是奥利地需要西迁到员瑞典所在地,为斯洛文尼亚和克罗地亚的西北迁移腾出地方。
- " From south korea and japan , along the entire first island chain , and westwards to india , china is increasingly seen as an antagonist and potential adversary , " say derek scissors and dean cheng of the heritage foundation , a us think-tank .
- 美国智库“传统基金会”(heritagefoundation)的史剑道(derekscissors)和成斌(deancheng)表示:“从韩国和日本,沿着第一岛链向西直到印度,中国日益被当作对手和潜在的敌人。”
- The rapid push westwards by opposition forces , who just over a week ago had been under siege in benghazi , underlined how air strikes against muammer gaddafi 's forces by us , french , canadian and british fighter jets have changed the dynamics of the conflict .
- 仅仅一个多星期以前还被围困在班加西的反对派武装力量迅速向西挺进,突显了美国、法国、加拿大与英国战斗机群对卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)军队发动的空中打击如何改变了战争格局。