英音 [hwi:lɪŋ] 美音 ['wi:lɪŋ]
n. 旋转;转动;滚动;运行
易混淆的单词: Wheeling
- Charles saw them both at the same time : a small white bird and the girl wheeling down the walk .
- 查尔斯是在同一时刻看到他们俩的:一只白色的小鸟和坐着轮椅沿着小径悠然而来的女孩。
- When little momo wails , a nurse swoops in to take control , wheeling the baby off to another room .
- 当小默默哭的时候,很快会有护士进来掌控局面,把孩子推到另一个房间。
- Such divisions will not be conjured away by wheeling the imf into play .
- 把imf牵扯进来并不会消除这方面的分歧。
- At a time when political machinations are all too overt , it is entertaining to learn about the wheeling and dealing during a more discreet age .
- 在当今政治阴谋得以明目张胆之时,看看在更谨慎的年代人们是如何尔虞我诈的不失为一种有趣的作法。
- The procedure involves strapping the condemned prisoner onto a gurney and wheeling him into an execution chamber , where witnesses behind one-way glass can observe the proceedings .
- 这个过程是把死刑犯绑在电轮椅上,推进行刑室,见证人可隔着一层玻璃见证着进程。