英音 [wɪtʃˈevə(r)] 美音 [hwɪtʃˈɛvɚ, wɪtʃ-]
pron. 任何一个;无论哪个;究竟哪一个
adj. 究竟哪个,无论哪些;无论哪一个
- The other group-the so-called experimental group-gets whichever intervention is being tested .
- 另一组,即所谓的实验组,其任何介入都将被进行测试。
- Whichever company is successful in leading the way will chalk up a huge win .
- 任何领军此领域的公司必将获得巨大成功。
- And reductions in spending will be sought by whichever party wins .
- 无论哪个党派最终获胜,削减开支都将成为必然。
- Whichever of the two big parties can win this floating vote in the centre tends to win an election .
- 这两大党派中任何一方能赢得中间派这部分“流动选票”,就能赢得大选。
- Also linked to the esp system , it provides a quick , stabilising twitch of the steering wheel in whichever direction is needed to counter fishtailing of the car itself in treacherous conditions .
- 这项技术也与esp系统相关,它能够在汽车失控的状态下,使方向盘具有一种朝任何方向的迅速和稳定急拉功能,以抵消摆尾。