英音 [ˈhweərəˌpɔn, -ˌpɔ:n, ˈweər-] 美音 [ˈhwɛrəˌpɑn, -ˌpɔn, ˈwɛr-]
adv. 于是;因此
conj. 于是
- Whereupon , adelson accused him of funding anti-israel research at the saban center .
- 于是,阿德尔森在沙邦中心以沙班反对向以色列研究提供资金支援为名对他发出指责。
- Independence was granted in 1960 , whereupon the republic descended into civil war .
- 1960年,乍得获准独立,这个共和国由此陷入了内战。
- Anyone can submit a site to the master database of categorized sites whereupon other people vote on its placement .
- 任何人都可以向站点分类的主数据库“举报”站点,而其他人可以投票决定其去留。
- After triumphantly persuading the united nations to hold a debate on the subject in 1979 , he flew to new york to take part - whereupon his enemies back home staged a coup and overthrew him .
- 就在他在1979飞往纽约,参加联合国举行的主题辩论中获胜后他自己国家的敌人发动政变,推翻了他的统治。
- Instead of going to his bosses , cleveland confronted smith , who confirmed that it was leung 's voice and that he would be taking action , whereupon he promptly did nothing .
- 克利夫兰没有直接向他的上司汇报,而是联系了史密斯,史密斯证实那是梁的声音,并许诺采取行动,但他未有任何及时的行动。