英音 [ˈwɪɡnə] 美音 [ˈwɪɡnɚ]
魏格纳(姓氏; Eugene Paul, 1902-,出生于匈牙利的美国物理学家,曾与Wayer及Jensen合得1963年诺贝尔物理学奖)
- Eugene paul wigner american physicist born in hungary .
- 出生于匈牙利的美国物理学家尤金保罗魏格纳。
- A relativistic and quantum kinetic theory for quarks and gluons has been derived based on covariant wigner operators .
- 人们已经从协变的wigner算符出发,得到了夸克和胶子的相对论量子运动理论.
- This is a crystal lattice with long range order , the " wigner crystal " , long known as a theoretical concept .
- 这是具有长程序的晶体点阵,即久已熟知的理论概念。
- Eugene wigner , one of the physicists responsible for showing , in the 1920s , the importance of symmetry to the universe ( and who was thus a progenitor of supersymmetry ) , described this as the " unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics " .
- 尤金魏格纳(eugenewigner)是20世纪20年代以宣传对称性对于宇宙的重要性为己任的物理学家之一(他因此而成为超对称性的先驱),他将超对称性描述为“数学的超级效用”。