英音 [ˈwɪltʃə] 美音 [ˈwɪltʃɪr, -ʃɚ]
- I have some of the wiltshire ham .
- 我吃了点威尔特郡火腿。
- In a sleepy wiltshire town preparations are under way for a sad sort of ceremony .
- 在威尔特郡的一个清冷小镇上,一场略带哀伤气氛的纪念活动正在准备中。
- A crop circle in a field of oilseed rape at all cannings , wiltshire created 6 may .
- 5月6日威尔特郡allcannings的一片油菜地发现了一个麦田怪圈。
- Nearly two years ago , the retired teacher and musician from wiltshire , england , was diagnosed with colon cancer .
- 大约两年之前,这位来自英国威尔特郡退休的老师、音乐家,被诊断出患上结肠癌。
- The officer returned to his home in marlborough , wiltshire , and contacted paranormal experts and told them he had spotted a ufo .
- 该警员在返回他在威尔特郡马尔堡的家后和超自然专家取得了联系,告诉他们他发现了一个不明飞行物。