英音 [wɪð'həʊld] 美音 [wɪθˈhold, wɪð-]
vt. 扣留;拒绝给予;抑制(某事物);制止,阻挡
vi. 忍住,克制
第三人称单数: withholds过去式: withheld过去分词: withheld现在分词: withholding
withhold 拒绝,不给 with-,相反,hold,握,引申词义向后握,拒绝,不给。
- A woman might withhold sex so she can assess a man 's intentions .
- 一个女人可能会通过在性问题上有所保留来评估一个人的意图。
- But I withhold both for fear of harm coming to him through unnecessary publicity .
- 但为避免不必要的公开带给他的伤害,我保留这些信息。
- This time the nsabb has not asked the two journals to withhold the new research altogether .
- 目前nsabb已经不再要求这两个期刊扣留新研究了。
- But the agency 's knowledge is also determined by the amount of information that foreign intelligence services choose to offer-or withhold .
- 但是,该机构所能了解到的信息仍取决于外国情报部门选择提供或保留的信息量。
- And congress could withhold federal money , as it did in 1984 from states that resisted raising the drinking age to 21 .
- 并且,国会可以扣留该州的联邦资金,就像1984年对待反对把法定饮酒年龄提高到21岁的那些州一样。