[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 伍尔德里奇来源于中世纪英语教名+古英语,含义是“狼+权力”(wolf+power);[地名] [美国、南非共和国] 伍尔德里奇
- Government is getting bigger . Can it get better as well , asks adrian wooldridge ?
- 政府机构变得越来越大的,能够变得更有效吗?adrianwooldridge问道
- Duncan wooldridge , chief asia economist at ubs in hong kong , believes europe 's woes won 't hurt asia directly unless there is an actual default .
- 瑞银(ubs)驻香港的首席亚洲经济学家吴德恺(duncanwooldridge)认为欧洲当前危机不会直接伤及亚洲,除非真的发生债券违约。
- ' I 've seen rather ominous comments about china diversifying away from this or that currency ( but ) the core of their policy has to be to hold us treasurys , ' said mr. wooldridge .
- 伍德里奇说,我已经注意到一些人危言耸听地说,说中国要抛出这种或那种货币换成其他货币,但他们政策的核心必须是持有美国国债。
- To offset traffic problems , some funeral homes in chicago and st. louis have begun paying off-duty police officers to act as traffic escorts , according to chris wooldridge , a southern illinois funeral director who is incoming president of the illinois funeral directors association .
- 据伊利诺伊南部的一名即将成为伊利诺伊葬礼协会会长的葬礼司仪说,为了减少交通事故,芝加哥和圣路易斯一些殡仪馆开始有偿让不当班的警察为其护送车队。
- But originally , cisco was a company that sold a couple of technicians very deep in the bowels of the it organization , and no one knew who we were , and neither myself nor my predecessor , now my chairman john wooldridge cared .
- 但是最初的思科公司是为it行业培养核心技术人员的,没有人知道我们是谁,我自己和我的前辈都不在乎,但现公司主席约翰?