英音 [ˈwɜ:mwʊd] 美音 [ˈwɚmˌwʊd]
n. 苦艾,苦恼;萩;蒿草
wormwood 苦艾 来自古英语wermod,苦艾,由于该植物类似樟脑丸的功效,拼写被俗化为worm和wood.部分学者认为来自wer-,男人,词源同virile,mod-,勇气,词源同mood,因苦艾在很早就被当做壮阳药使用而引发该联想。
- We can 't help kissing each other low wormwood 2009 china tour .
- 我们不由自主的亲吻对方低苦艾乐队2009中国巡演。
- A study of annual wormwood to treat malaria .
- 黄花蒿治疗疟疾的研究。
- What would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood ?
- 若把水仙根加入艾草液里会产生什么样的效果?
- Last year I made a batch using dried mugwort and a very small quantity of wormwood ( both artemisia species ) .
- 去年,我制作了一炉,用了干燥的艾草和少量的苦艾(两样都是蒿属植物)。
- Also interesting to note that revelation is the only reference that refers to the star named wormwood .
- 另外有趣的是,启示录是唯一的参考是指向天星命为苦艾。