英音 ['waɪtfɪʃ] 美音 ['waɪtˌfɪʃ]
n. 白鲑属鱼,洋方头鱼;白鱼
易混淆的单词: Whitefish
- Purveyor of smoked canadian trout , alaskan salmon and lake superior whitefish .
- 接受者加拿大熏鳟鱼,阿拉斯加鲑鱼和湖优越的白鱼.
- We used smoked whitefish , well boned , but any other smoked fish should work .
- 我们采用熏白鱼,粘结好,但任何其他熏鱼应工作。
- Over smoked whitefish and bagels , they paged through family photos .
- 他们一边薰烤着白鲑和百吉圈,一边一页页翻看家人的照片。
- An ethics professor in whitefish bay , wisconsin , hinz uses him as an example with her students : yes , she posits , mcdonald 's does offer free refills , but for life ?
- 海因茨是威斯康星州白鱼湾的一位伦理学教授,她把她爸爸作为一个例子讲给学生们听:是的,她提出,麦当劳确实提供免费续杯,但是终生的吗?
- It is often made from pollock or other whitefish altered to look and taste similar to lobster .
- 人们常常从波洛克或其他怀特菲什改变,外观和味道类似龙虾。