[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 惠特比住所名称,来源于古英语,含义是“白+农场,居留地”(white+farm,settlement),或古英语,含义是“白+庄园主住宅,设防之地”(white+manorhouse,fortified place);[地名] [加拿大、新西兰、英国] 惠特比
- Whitby should be a good starting point for our walk .
- 惠特拜可能是我们散步的好出发点。
- Captain cook memorial museum hotels - whitby .
- 临近库克船长纪念博物馆的酒店。
- This is situated on the west cliff of whitby and is a very historic building .
- 这是位於西崖惠特比,是一个非常具有历史意义的建筑物。
- Internet professional offering whitby homes for sale via the world wide web giving your home the maximum exposure .
- 互联网专业提供给你家最大风险通过万维网网站出售的惠特院。
- In the year 664 , only a few decades before eadfrith sat down with pen in hand , there had been a big meeting now known as the synod of whitby .
- 在公元664年,就在伊德弗里德开始动笔之前几十年,曾经有个目前被人们称为惠特比宗教会议的大型集会。