v. 手持着使用(武器、工具等)( wield的第三人称单数 );具有;运用(权力);施加(影响)
- As a current board member and part-owner of the hospital , she wields more influence than ever before .
- 作为医院新任董事及共有人,她将会拥有比以往更大的影响力。
- It wields the power of the printing-press .
- 它操控着印刷货币的权力。
- You are sovereign only at home ; abroad , someone else wields the power .
- 你只在本国内拥有主权;在国外,权力在别人手里。
- The quip that mrs merkel is the only politician who can stop barack obama being re-elected attests both to her power and to frustration over how she wields it .
- 有人讽刺道,默克尔是唯一能够阻止奥巴马连任的政客,这既证明了她权力之大,也证明了大众对她行使该权利的方式的失望。
- Not everyone in government finds it acceptable that the fed wields so much power and privilege in secrecy .
- 并非政府里的所有人都能接受美联储握有的大权和享有的秘密特权。