英音 ['eks'eks] 美音 ['eks'eks]
abbr. without securities or warrants 无权或无保障(代号)
易混淆的单词: XX
- When it comes to sex chromosomes , women are xx and men are xy .
- 就性染色体而言,女性为xx,男性为xy。
- An xy combination will become a boy , while an xx combination will be a girl .
- xy染色体的结合会生出男孩,而xx染色体的结合会生出女孩。
- Your call to los angeles lasted xx minutes . It will cost xx u. s.dollars .
- 您打到洛杉矶的电话持续了xx分钟,费用是xx美元.
- In mammals , females are xx while males are xy so a woman should never be able to provide the necessary y chromosome genes to produce a son .
- 在哺乳动物中,雌性的性染色体是xx而雄性的是xy所以一个女人是绝不可能产生男性不可缺少的y染色体基因而生育男孩的。
- Since men die , on average , five years earlier than women , those much bemoaned visits to the doctor for a routine physical must play at least a minimal role in the difference between xx and xy longevity .
- 一般来说,男人会比女人早死五年,除了xx和xy染色体的寿命差异外,没有去看医生做例行检查至少有一部分原因。