abbr. World Trade Center 美国世界贸易中心
- Where was president bush when jets were slamming into wtc ?
- 飞机撞击世贸中心时,布什总统在哪儿?
- Wtc more most satisfactory and influential brand on the mainland .
- 荣膺内地最满意及影响力品牌。
- The wtc study was supported by the centers for disease control and prevention , the national center for environmental health , and the new york city department of health and mental hygiene .
- wtc研究是由疾病控制与预防中心、国家环境卫生中心和纽约市卫生局和精神卫生部赞助。
- And that the dominant mode of distributing wtc jokes would be e-mail .
- 传播世贸笑话主要途径为电子邮件。
- Others at risk include residents in close proximity to the wtc towers and those who attended schools nearby .
- 其他危险,包括居民接近世贸中心大楼和附近学校的负责人出席.