[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 怀曼来源于中世纪英语教名+古英语,含义是“战争+保护”(war+protection)
- Wyman wheeler wasn 't convinced everything was all right .
- 惠勒(wymanwheeler)不能确信情况一切良好。
- The latest results are radically different from those oliver wyman compiled in the years before the financial crisis .
- 最新结果与奥纬咨询在金融危机之前编制的结果大相径庭。
- Wyman was not the first to embrace this alternative .
- 怀曼并不是作出这种抉择的第一人。
- Stefan jaecklin of oliver wyman , a firm of consultants , reckons that singapore and switzerland are most likely to fit the bill .
- 奥利弗威曼的捷克林.斯特凡,一位公司的顾问认为最有可能符合要求的国家是新加坡和瑞士。
- There are other ways of utilising excess deposits abroad , says anthony stevens , a consultant at oliver wyman .
- 奥纬咨询(oliverwyman)的顾问安东尼史蒂文斯(anthonystevens)说,跨境运用过剩存款还有一些其他方法。