英音 [ˈzænəˌdu:] 美音 [ˈzænəˌdu, -ˌdju]
n. 华厦,行宫,世外桃源
复数: Xanadus
Xanadu 世外桃源 来自元朝上都的音译,由马可波罗将该词带入欧洲,由于马可波罗对该城梦幻般的描述,因此,该词就赋予了仙境,世外桃源等含义。比较Cathay.
- Ted nelson created project xanadu in 1960 and coined the term hypertext in 1963 .
- tednelson在1960年创造龄xanadu项目,并在1963年制造了超文本这个概念。
- Sydney-based xanadu , which focuses on mining mongolian coal , is also seeking a hong kong waiver .
- 专门开采蒙古煤矿的悉尼xanadu公司,也正在寻求香港交易所的豁免权。
- Yet xanadu was elevated to a state-level protected relic only in 1988 .
- 然而它到了1988年才被升级为国家级保护遗产。
- But if the local authorities have their way , xanadu is to be transformed .
- 但是如果当地政府官员愿意,他们将对上都进行改造。
- I will never forget the epic road trips across the tibetan plateau , along the silk road , through the three gorges and most memorably from shangri-la to xanadu .
- 我永远也不会忘记自己那史诗般的行走之旅穿过青藏高原,沿着丝绸之路,越过三峡来到世外桃源香格里拉。